Hello Harrison Bruce – A Birth Story Part 2

Harrison Bruce birth story part 2

In case you missed it, you’ll probably want to check out Part 1.

So, where were we?? Ah yes, the emergency room check-in desk.

11:18 p.m.

The receptionist gets us our wristbands, and calls up to labor and delivery to get someone to come escort us upstairs. She asks if I want a wheelchair, or if I want to walk. “I can walk,” I say (why why why? I was clearly still in denial). Jesse asks “Are you sure you don’t want a chair?”

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17 Months with Henry

Sixteen Months with Henry James

Holy shit Henry. How has it been 11 months since I’ve written about you, our sweet sweet 17 month old boy? I’ll save most of the cliches to myself, but you’ve heard the one about kids growing up before and it’s not getting any less true. Don’t blink, they said.

So, let’s see… where do I start?

I remember the distinct moment that I felt like my role changed from “keeping you, my sweet baby alive” to “raising an actual human”. You were sitting in your high chair, mostly feeding yourself banana puffs, and you reached your innocent little hand out past the side of your tray, and dropped a puff to our eagerly waiting dog. Cute. Then you did it again.

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The Best Baby Gear for the Minimalist Home

I’m not sure I can fully claim to be a minimalist, but I do enjoy our small house, love a good de-clutter/purge, and try to stick to a “less is more” attitude. With most of our purchases, we do our research, find deals when we can, and buy fewer (high quality) items that will be well worth the price. Putting together a baby registry with the sheer amount of STUFF on the baby market is an exciting… and slightly overwhelming task for a minimalist mom-to-be. So I’ve put together a list of my very favorite products from our first year with Henry that are big on functionality and relatively small on space.

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Six Months with Henry

Six Months with Henry James

You’re six months old, Henry James.

That’s 1/2 of a year.

2/3 of a pregnancy.

2 maternity leaves.

2 seasons, or in our case, about 3/4 of one Wyoming winter.

28 weeks.

200 days you’ve been in our lives.

We’ve been through roughly 1,600 feedings and 2,000 diaper changes.

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