The Best Baby Gear for the Minimalist Home

I’m not sure I can fully claim to be a minimalist, but I do enjoy our small house, love a good de-clutter/purge, and try to stick to a “less is more” attitude. With most of our purchases, we do our research, find deals when we can, and buy fewer (high quality) items that will be well worth the price. Putting together a baby registry with the sheer amount of STUFF on the baby market is an exciting… and slightly overwhelming task for a minimalist mom-to-be. So I’ve put together a list of my very favorite products from our first year with Henry that are big on functionality and relatively small on space.

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Six Months with Henry

Six Months with Henry James

You’re six months old, Henry James.

That’s 1/2 of a year.

2/3 of a pregnancy.

2 maternity leaves.

2 seasons, or in our case, about 3/4 of one Wyoming winter.

28 weeks.

200 days you’ve been in our lives.

We’ve been through roughly 1,600 feedings and 2,000 diaper changes.

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Welcome Henry James – a Birth Story

Welcome to the World Henry James Kimberly + Scott Photography

Hi, hello. It’s been a minute (like a year and a halfish?) since I’ve contributed to the blog. But you know, life. A whole lot of it.

I have a lot that is in progress on this blog, some unfinished projects, updates to make to my site, drafts that I started months ago, and constant ideas in my head that I’ve been meaning to get down. But I’ve also been busy with another thing over the past year: I grew a human! And he’s pretty amazing.

There’s so much that I could talk about (maternity finds, my pregnancy must-haves, baby registry tips, my infinite wisdom from the first few weeks of being a parent, the list goes on). And hopefully one of these days, (or years, let’s be real) I will. But for now, I wanted to write down the story of how Henry James joined us in the world. I’ve enjoyed reading birth stories on other blogs recently (weird how your interests change to match your new experiences, right?) so naturally, I thought I should get WAY too personal and long-winded on the internet just in case maybe someone will enjoy hearing mine.

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Oh HEY 2016!


Well happy freaking new year. I’ve been MIA from the blog for awhile, and figured it’s about time I let you all know that I’M STILL ALIVE. And kickin’. I have been busier than ever with my day job (whomp whomp), but I feel like 2016 has some good things in store.

Here’s a quick run-down of what you can expect this year from me and my little blog!

New Domain(!): Yes, after just over a year of blogging, I’ve finally figured out what my blog name SHOULD have been. I’ll be moving all of my content over to the new site, and hope it goes smoothly – and that you’ll continue to follow along!

Home Projects: Namely, a NEW BATHROOM.

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